Our History
The Kingdom is located in North Western part of lake Nalubalwe (Lake Victoria) in south central part of Uganda and does not have any attachment to the mainland of Buganda. Busisi kingdom covers an area of more than 9,066.8 kilometers squared which is more than 4000 square miles. Busisi are inhabited by Bantu speaking tribe of Basisi.
The language is Lusisi,which is distinct though similar to Lusoga,Lunyoro and Luganda. The language of the dear Basisi honestly should have been recognized first before the on going exercise of National identification project(Where IDs are being issued to citizens. but having no royal voice it was not.
Origin Of the Basisi
According to the oral busisi tradition,the Basisi are believed to have come flying from Abyssinia during the formation of the first island. After reading and researching about Sese Islands,from the expression,“originally autonomous”,this in Lusisi, means Kasangwawo (meaning self-governing or independent).For 10 years from 2003 when I was 27 years, I found it necessary to put down my finding to the World as an humble inquiry into the 1900 agreement Account of Busisi Kingdom. In the usual way of writing any books, let my massage be sent put a cross to the royal family of Buganda from a song: “BLESSED IS THE HEART THAT GIVETH THAN THE ONE THAT TAKETH” The Agreement of 1900, was between the Kingdom of Britain and the Kingdom of Uganda only.

The Kingdom of Britain, was represented by Sir Henry Hamilton Johnston, Her Majesty Special Commissioner, for Uganda Protectorate and adjoining territories, on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India,on the one part. This means that the Queen is the one who represented Basisi Kingdom as an adjoining territory and awarded it to Uganda as was done with Bugangaizi and Buyaga.
The Kingdom of Uganda was represented by the Regents and the chiefs of the Kingdom of Uganda on behalf of the Kabaka (King) of uganda Kingdom, and the chiefs and people of Uganda on the other part. The well-known truth which is undoubtable by every Baganda is that Sese was a Kingdom but fear to say that it’s still a Kingdom due to the arrogance of Baganda.However, when it comes to how Sese Kingdom was included into the 1900 Uganda agreement,everybody keeps quite.
The inspiration come after knowing the former status of these Islands regardless of whether one was a royal or not, just because it was one’s original home land.
The main aim for this was for the whites who had not agreed in principles with the kingdom, to pretend as if they were the ones who organized those islands,which were to appear as if these had no rulers of their own after the deadly tsetsfly attack.
Noting from the lists above, each Kingdom represented the territories as conquered by them and those they agreed with mutually to become vassal state. It should be clearly known that both the kingdom of Kooki and the kingdom of Basisi where a vassal of Buganda.Vassal has two meanings in this context: 1. Vassal as a humble subordinate (working under another authority by accepting) and thereafter an agreement must be made.
2. Vassal in a federal system as a man given land by a king or lord in return of a military service.
Therefore, for your own information, Kooki kingdom was a vassal (humble subordinate of Buganda) in 1896. The exalted Kingdom of Basisi was a vassal (in federal system) of Buganda for atleast 100 years to the start of the colonial era from 1794-1894. This can be seen clearly from the way Bugala Island’s state is of being private.Therefore two Kingdoms were represented in the 1900 agreement. It is therefore very unlike that the two kingdoms have never signed any agreement,that is to say the queen and the king of Uganda possibly never signed any agreement.
For example, you could tell us again to move to our other origin home land from Busisi. However as pressure where raised when I was told that I was a member of that royal group of Sese Islands, of Bukuku Bukulukulu Bwawaira of Nvuma clan.I was in there for the very first time from the mainland Buganda, where I knew Ssese Islands as county of Buganda just like the way everyone else has been taking it. But this time round, I was getting to know that the Islands of God were just included after sleeping sickness attacked Basisi’ mother land, leading to many people dying and that the whole royal family, was thought to have died from that same disease.
Again in Busisi, I came to learn that we were not Baganda, but were Basisi with a distinct tribe and language of Lusisi. This led to a moment of silence. I was a very active Buganda Youth who strongly supported federal system whole heartedly, but blindly.I saw it of therefore great importance to write some of our tales which were untold. So from the time I knew that I was not a Muganda, I changed, to my real tribe as a Musisi, because I never wanted to be an imposter. It is therefore necessary to serve a purpose, for the humanity of Basisi by letting them know their true origin and the existance of their kingdom. Terretories can only exist either through:
1) A conquest
2) Accepting to be a vassal (humble subordinate-accepting to work under another authority) and an agreement made thereafter.
However I can be informed of any other legal way,if any exist,such that I may include it on the list
The strange thing is that Buganda Kingdom does not mention that it was Mongoota that drove
away the Basese from their land not any conquest or submission to be governed by another power. cept that way. However, the most important thing in line with losing, you real fill happy for having tried your best and just fail. That was the order of the day and vice versa. However, with accepting,it would create more mutual understand between the two kingdoms. in respect to the above,some agreement must be made to that effect.In the 1900 agreement, the Kingdom of Uganda represented the following counties:
1) Kyadondo, 2) Singo, 3) Busiro, 4) Kyaggwe, 5) Busujju, 6) Mawokoota, 7) Gomba, 8) Butambala, 9) Buddu ,10) Kooki Kingdom
In the same agreement,the Kingdom of Britain, represented the following counties as adjoining territories.
1) Bugerere, 2) Bulemezi, 3) Buruli, 4) Bugangayizi, 5) Buyaga, 6) Buwekula, 7) Mawogola, 8) Kabula, 9) Buvuma Island
The exalted kingdom of the Basisi (which was a mere splinter group of Islands as an Archipelago)including Buvuma Island in the 190